Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Finally- An Update!

Welcome to the Mellor family blog!

It is titled, "Miss Z and Mr. G" because although Charles and I have various goings on, we know that people really want to hear about the kids, so most of what I talk about will be centered around them.

I decided to do a website to keep family and friends informed of life at the Mellor household. People keep asking me when I'm going to send out another email update (I used to do it monthly with Gabe) and I'm ashamed to say the last one I did was in March (4 months ago!).

I had problems with motivation- sometimes people's emails wouldn't work, the format of the photos was a pain (some folks could see the photos, others couldn't), etc., etc. The email updates were beginning to be a lot of work!

I figured with a website/blog, people could check up on us as they wish! I have lots of pictures and little stories of the kids that I'd like to keep up with and figured this would be the best way for me to do so. You are invited to join us! I will send out a periodic email letting you know when I update.

Short Catch-Up Update:

Gabe is almost three and Miss Zoe is seven months. We have been busy this summer going to library storytime, swimming at the pool, and taking little mini trips to various locations (Oxford, Jacksonville, Virginia, Myrtle Beach). Gabe has enjoyed going to see the weekly Carolina Beach fireworks and carnival. We don't go every week, but we go often.

Below are a few pics from the summer. In a few days, I plan to do a post on some of the things we did from March through July.

Zoe being silly (back in April- she was about four months here)

Zoe with Daddy- she loves the water!

Gabe at a wedding in June

Gabe flying a Blue Angel plane at Carolina Beach (he still loves planes)

Gabe is proud of his tomatoes that we grew (so proud that he picked a few while they were still orange). We harvested about 30 of them and there's still plenty on the bush!

Being cool at Kings Dominion with Grandmommy and Grandaddy

Us at the Strawberry Farm in May

Helping plant flowers in the spring. He LOVES being outside!

Gabe enjoying the rare snow (back in January)